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Thank you for the quick reply. As I was running a test scenario to gather the information for my reply, I stumbled on the cause. I was loading a base64 encoded string. I decoded the contents ,and was able to load and download the file.
Thank you for your help.
I'm using the /api/v1/files API to load a 44kb PDF attachment. There are no errors. However, only 9k is loaded. Is there a limit to the file size? If not, how can I load the full file?
Thank you,
Thank you for the quick response to my quesition. I was just getting ready to update this question.
I did read the documentation, and thought I had followed it, but I was mising a carriage return after the Content-Disposition line. Once I corrected that, I was able to upload the file.
Thank you for your reply,
I am trying to attach a file to a work order record in MCNationalAccountWorkOrders table. using this API I include the table name, record id, add to email, and base64 encoded pdf. See below. I am getting an error thatt the table name is not valid. The error message in the response is "errors:[Failed to read ...
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