Thanks Audisho
We will just make the changes in Method by looping through the activity table and using the restore occurrence action. This is not the most efficient since this table contains close to 1 million records but it is what it is.
Can the API be used to restore a work order occurrence to not changed?
Try this add single quote as below
sSelectWhere = "BillAddressAddr1 ='" + house_address + "'";
Thanks for the update. We have now heard from just about all of our QBD clients and they are all experincing this issue. This is holding up their billing, order processing, etc.
i can't add new user to an account. i get the an error has occurred message. is this isolated or is it a unknown issue.
client reports that the issue is still not resolved
What does "Error: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined" mean? To different clients have contacted us with this issue.
OK - I think i can re-write the service to receive the Method company as a parameter and therefore modify the credentials to match the tenant.
Cross tenant.
This service is intended to be used by all tenants therefore the credentials(user) has access to all tenants. It maybe important to note that the purpose is to remove a long running process from method to a separate server running on a background thread. This way the user isn't blocked and watching the spinning ...