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  • Re: emails not sending

    Hi Blake C, Thank you for your patience! I am glad to confirm&nbsp;the successful resolution of the issue with sending emails using&nbsp;the Gmail server setting. We&#39;re glad&nbsp;&nbsp;to inform&nbsp;you that our development team was able to identify and fix the issue promptly, ensuring that all pending emails were successfully ...
  • Re: invalid table

    Hi nsweeney, Thanks for reaching out to the Method Forum Community. Have you tried exploring our documentation on how to upload a file and attach it to a record in Method? If not then it will be a great start to follow the steps and see if that fix your issues.
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 02-05-2024
  • Re: Files API Post

    Hi Victoria, This error typically occurs when the server does not support the media format of the data sent in the request. It could be related to how the PDF file is being encoded or the Content-Type header in your POST request. To troubleshoot this issue, I recommend checking the following: Ensure the Content-Type header is set correctly in ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 01-26-2024
  • Re: API Limits - How to Manage and Coordinate API Processes?

    You cannot see that in the tool as it is set to 100 requests per minute per account. Below is the detailed information on how it is calculated: For fair usage of our API, we have&nbsp;limited the requests on an account basis as follows. 100 requests per minute per account. 5000 + [1000 * Number of Active licenses] (or) 25000 requests per ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 11-09-2023
  • Re: Weird float problem with Invoices

    Hi&nbsp;sp9001, I have emailed you to learn a little bit more about the Invoice&nbsp;request you are making so that I can understand the issue better. You can reply to the email if you are not comfortable sharing it here on the forum.&nbsp; Cheers, Inder
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 11-09-2023
  • Re: Best Practices for recording and applying payment to invoices

    Hi sp9001, It is the same as&nbsp;creating a payment via actions/UI. You can either just insert a ReceivePayment record and set IsAutoApply = true or if you want to assign a specific invoice, insert ReceivePayment with IsAutoApply=false&nbsp;and&nbsp;ReceivePaymentAppliedtoTxn&nbsp;that references the specific transaction. Today our API actions ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 08-21-2023
  • Re: What is the URL format for viewing records?

    Thanks for the additional information. We don&#39;t have a specific URL that might help you achieve this but here is a workaround that you could try: Create a field on the Contacts table called &quot;ContactURL&quot;. Have a AppRoutine that populates a MiURL into ContactURL if it is empty, using the Create Short Method URL action. On the ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 08-03-2023
  • Re: What is the URL format for viewing records?

    Hi thom, Can you please provide additional information on what are you trying to achieve? What is the use case scenario? The reason I am asking is to better understand the requirement so that I can guide you better. Regards, Inder
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 08-02-2023
  • Re: Api for invoice and Time

    Yes, you are correct. There is a POST example in the documentation. If you are planning on testing it you can test it by creating a Customer and adding a Customer/Entity table as an example.&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 07-19-2023
  • Re: 401 Unauthorized with Postman request

    Hi, Can you please send me the header of your request over the email you that I can review and assist you with that? Regards, Inder
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Method_Inderdeep on 07-19-2023
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