Hey there!
If you are currently using Mozilla Firefox, there is a nifty tutorial here: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Creating%20a%20desktop%20shortcut%20to%20a%20web%20page on how to create a desktop shortcut for a webpage. Also, there is one for internet explorer located here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/168124
You have a few options on what URL you would like to use.
1) I would reccomend using MIURL in order to bring you directly to your customer screen. If you are not familiar with building a MIURL link, check out our blog post about it here: http://miurl.cc/3g4T3g. Make sure when you are creating your desktop shortcut that it is currently pointing to the MIURL link, and not to the method website itself. MIURL is smart enough to know if you are currently logged in or not when redirecting you to the screen of your choice.
2) The second option would be to bring up the Method Login page and create a shortcut on your desktop from here: http://www.methodintegration.com/method/login.aspx . However, you would need to relogin to Method every time you used this link, and it would take you to the default tab.
3) The third option would be to login to Method then to use the current logged in page as your link (this wont bring you to a specific screen within method, just the landing page). I wouldnt reccomend this route, because you would have to keep extending the same method session everytime you were logged out. If you or anyone attempted to login from the main page again, a new session would be created and your link would become useless.