Thanks guys. I think there must be a direct way to troubleshoot this, if we can figure out what QB is looking for when it updates the Invoiced QTY on the Sales Order Line and inspect the Sales Order Line Item records and Invoice Line Item records from QB.
I cleared the resolve conflicts screen about a week ago and I've had no conflicts on full or changes only synchs for several days.
I've also modified individual Invoice Line item quantities and verified the synch updates to QB to try to "refresh" the synch of the Invoice Line Items. I can see the Invoice line updated in QB but it does not fix Invoiced QTY on the Sales Order Line.
I can't reproduce the problem although I have about 25 invoices affected. This problem has been occuring occasionaly, although rarely, since we began using Method. I really don't think it is a "screen" problem, or a Synch problem.
QB does the actual calculation and population of the Invoiced QTY field of the Sales Order Line record.
For the Invoice Line Items that are not posting to the Sales Order I have made sure that both the Link to Sales Order and Link to Sales Order_RecordID are populated with the RecordID of the Sales Order Line (and by the way adding these fields to the Invoice line item grid, breaks the grid, I assume that one of these system fields doesn't like the insert row action). I assume this is all that would be necessary for QB to sum the Invoiced QTY on the Sales Order Line.
I think that the RecordID's of Sales Order Headers, Sales Order Lines, Invoice Headers, and Invoice Lines (let's leave the group id's alone for a moment) are what keeps all the relationships in order and we can inspect the relationship in Method, but I don't know if QB uses these RecordID's or if it has another system generated key field or index field to maintain the strict relational database relations amongts these tables. It could be that these RecordID's in Method look good, but some other system generated key fields in QB are corrupt (maybe from a incomplete or conflicted synch).
Since QB does the actual summation of Invoiced QTY from a query of all Invoice Line Items related (many to one) to the Sales Order Line Item, we need someone who can inspect the QB database (by ODBC?) to see why this relationship is broken or why QB fails to update this value like it does for all the other invoices.
I don't think the Sales Order is corrupt since I can delete the Invoice and re-create it using the same screens and the Invoiced QTY will update.
If I can find a way to get QB to recognize the relationships, I'll need to go back and inspect 100's of Invoices and re-enter about 25 to get them to post properly.