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Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

Last post 11-13-2013 2:35 PM by Anonymous. 8 replies.
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  • 11-12-2013 10:57 AM

    • JWS
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    Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    What would be the best option to have a dealer log in and fill out a sales order.

    We have dealers who sell our products. We would like for them to be able to fill out a sales order and estimates, nothing more. I know I can create a log in account for them. However there are things like our raw materials list that we don't want our dealers to have access to. I would like for them to be able to fill out the sales order while only havigng access to specific things in our items list.

    Any ideas?

  • 11-12-2013 1:22 PM In reply to

    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    Hey JWS,

    Your best approach is modify one of the existing roles (or create a new one) and restrict that roles permissions to only be able to view a tab group. In other words, you could create a role called "Dealer", and restrict their permissions so they only see the tab links "Fill out a sales order" or "Fill out an estimate". In order to do this, this page in our documentation gives you a great step-by-step tutorial on setting it up.

    To address the second part of your question -- in order to give them access to a limited number of items, you need to go to the grid customization page and filter it by whatever field you want (you may need to add a field to SalesOrderLine or EstimateLine for your filter). So for example, assuming you want to show only items that apply to that dealer, you can add a "Dealer Name" field to the SaleOrderLine table for the item (go to Customize > Tables > SalesOrderLine, Add Field "DealerName"), and then filter the grid by "DealerName" (go to customize page, edit the grid, create a new filter) to show only the ones that belong to the current dealer. In the "edit grid" page, you can select what filter is applied to the grid.
    Let me know if you have any trouble, or any other questions/concerns!



  • 11-12-2013 1:40 PM In reply to

    • JWS
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    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    Ok thanks, I got the roles part of it done and it is working.

    The salesorderline part isn't quite what I was looking for.

    I guess what I would like to do is somehow put in a filter for certain item names.

    For example: I don't want my "dealers" to be able to access any item starting with Raw Materials. I only want them to be able to see "Shed Styles" and "Swing Sets" and there sub items, and nothing more.

    I did put a filter on "raw materials". How ever the user can still select the raw materials. It doesn't save anything containing Raw Materials but they can still see it and select it. The grid doesn't filter it until they hit save. I would like the filter to run when they click the drop down button.

  • 11-12-2013 1:55 PM In reply to

    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    i JWS,

    So, if I'm understanding correctly, when your dealers go to add a line-item, at present they see all of your raw materials -- you want it so that when they click the "Item" drop down, all they can see is the Shed Styles and Swing Sets?

    Okay, so if my understanding is correct, this is how you want to approach it: go to screen customization and edit the grid. In Step 2 in the "Existing Column" table, you should see the "Item" field name -> click on "Advanced" beside it (on the right-hand side). In advanced properties, near the bottom of the text, you should see a little text that says "Filters +" -- click on that and it will expand a new drop-down. Now you can add a filter to the dropdown itself -- so for example, if you select the field "Color" and add a filter "Red" to it, the dropdown will only show items that have the color red. So you can use this to filter and show only the items that have "Shed Styles" or "Swing Sets". Does that make sense?

    Let me know if there's any confusion, or if I misunderstood you. I hope that helps!


  • 11-12-2013 3:52 PM In reply to

    • JWS
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    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    Thanks, things are working good so far.

    May be you can help me with one other thing.

    On the sales order screen. There is the "sales order list".

    I want cetain users to be able to filter that list differnely than others.

    For example: I want my dealers to view only there own sales orders on that list.

    Yet I want my employees to view all of that list.

    Can you help?

  • 11-13-2013 8:36 AM In reply to

    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    Hey JWS,

    There's a couple different ways you can do that. The easiest way, since you already have roles defined, is to set up two different filters in your grid, and then restrict the roles that can view the filter (edit filter > step 2). So, let's say you have two filters "All sales orders" and "My sales orders". For your situation, you can go into step 2 of "All sales orders" filter and uncheck the box "Dealers" from the roles. That way, dealers will only have access to the  "My sales orders" filter, whereas employees will have access to all of it.

    Does that make sense? Let me know if you have trouble, or if it doesn't solve it.


  • 11-13-2013 8:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    Just a note -- this method of filter roles hasn't been fully tested, so it's possible that it doesn't 100% work. Be sure to test it well to make sure it's operating. If it doesn't work, do let me know and we'll come up with a different solution.



  • 11-13-2013 12:59 PM In reply to

    • JWS
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    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    I am having trouble picturing this.

    I can't get it to work.

    I tried making it so the dealer can't see the list at all (by unchecking the box in step 8). Yet when I log in the via the portal (which is where a dealer will log in) the list remains there.

  • 11-13-2013 2:35 PM In reply to

    Re: Guest (dealer) log in filling out a sales order

    Hi JWS,

    First, can you make sure the screen you are editing is the right one? You may still have the stock "Sales Orders" screen up (which is not editable) -- hover over the "Sales Orders" link and make sure it says that the corresponding screen is the one that you edited. If it's still pointing to the stock screen, you will have to change it to point to your new screen so that you see the changes.

    If this part is fine, then the following steps should help.

    The approach you're taking is to try and restrict viewing the entire grid. My suggestion is to create filters and restrict them based on the role. So, a filter that you place on the grid allows you to set a condition on the data that's displayed -- you can do this in step 4. You can either create or edit one of the existing filters, and add some conditions. 

    For your situation, I would recommend deleting all the existing filters, and creating two new filters. The two filters will be as follows:

    Filter 1: Name it "All Sales Orders" -- you dont' need to put any filters on this (because this option will let you view every sales order there is), but in the "Edit" section, go to Step 2 and uncheck the "Dealer" option. By doing this, the dealer won't have access to this filter, but everyone else will.

    Filter 2: Name it "My Sales Orders" -- for this, you will click on the dropdown beside "Choose from a list of available fields" and add a filter for the field "SalesRep". Your filter properties would be set to something like "equal to" "value from session" "User - Sales Rep Initial" (or whatever field in the Sales Order that corresponds with the role).

    Let me know if that makes sense -- it's a bit confusing, so I apologize if I explained it poorly.


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