I had already done a full sync and clear to see if that helped and it didnt. In fact we now have 455 conflicts, its finding lots of duplicates :( . The error message we get now is slightly different as well.
The record has been modified on both Method and QuickBooks. Please decide which record you would like to keep. More detailed information: Method has TimeModified from QuickBooks: 12/3/2013 8:40:33 PM UTC, Method has TimeModified within Method: 4/1/2014 8:12:09 PM UTC, and QuickBooks has TimeModified 3/5/2014 8:53:29 PM UTC. Time zone offset on the desktop is -5 hours. Time difference is -7949576 seconds. EditSequence in QuickBooks is 1394052809, EditSequence in Method is 1386103233
I would love to Retry to Sync with QB with all of these but will take me forever to do it for all the 300+ conflicts we have.
Here is the error message we have for one of the duplicates..
QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accEntity record. The error was: The name "Christopher R Jones" of the list element is already in use.. The Request was: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?> <?qbxml version="13.0" ?> <QBXML><QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError"><CustomerAddRq requestID="qx_1"><CustomerAdd><Name>Christopher R Jones</Name><IsActive>1</IsActive><CompanyName /><Salutation /><FirstName>Christopher</FirstName><MiddleName>R</MiddleName><LastName>Jones</LastName><JobTitle /><BillAddress><Addr1>Christopher R Jones</Addr1><Addr2 /><Addr3 /><City /><State /><PostalCode /><Country /><Note /></BillAddress><ShipAddress><Addr1 /><Addr2 /><Addr3 /><City /><State /><PostalCode /><Country /><Note /></ShipAddress><Phone /><AltPhone /><Fax /><Email /><Contact>Christopher R Jones</Contact><AltContact /><ResaleNumber /><AccountNumber /></CustomerAdd></CustomerAddRq></QBXMLMsgsRq></QBXML>
We are using portals and web to leads , allowing customers to login and edit online applications, so wonder if it has something to do with that?
We only have 1 sync engine running so clueless to how its syncing from 2 areas.