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New! Use Method Inside Your Gmail Inbox

Last post 09-24-2015 11:39 AM by Lynda Byrne. 0 replies.
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  • 09-24-2015 11:39 AM

    New! Use Method Inside Your Gmail Inbox

    Preview of Method's Gmail GadgetMethod already keeps all your customer history and follow-ups in one place, but we’re taking small business customer management up a notch with our Gmail Gadget  — a tool that brings your CRM right into your email inbox.

    What is it?

    The Gmail Gadget is a Google Apps integration that allows you to access your CRM data directly from within your Gmail inbox. How? By matching the contat's email address, Method is able to present a summary of the customer data, including QuickBooks transactional history, directly in your Gmail inbox in the form of a small window.

    Why should I be psyched about this?

    If you’re like most of us, a good portion of your day is spent in your inbox. But now, instead of flipping between programs, one where you receive customer communications (your inbox) and one where you keep track of customer communications (your CRM), the Gmail Gadget streamlines your experience by bringing everything together on a single screen.

    By giving you one-click access to each customer’s CRM profile and their QuickBooks transactions, the Gmail Gadget saves you time and ensures nothing slips through the cracks with both existing and prospective customers.

    When a current customer emails your Customer Service Rep, the Gmail Gadget pulls the customer’s info and history into your Rep’s inbox for quick reference. Your Rep can then quickly push new information about this customer into Method or schedule a follow-up without ever leaving their inbox.

    Your Sales Reps are also speedier to inquiries from prospective customers. When your Sales Rep receives an email from a potential customer, the lead is added to Method right from their inbox and the work required to close the deal can get quickly get underway. As the business owner, you’re happy your leads are receiving prompt follow-ups and your team is happy because they’re working in Gmail - a software program they’re actively using everyday!

    Here’s what a Method Partner has to say about the Gmail Gadget:

    “The Method:CRM Google Gadget is fantastic. We were expecting a simple way to move Gmail into our CRM. Our expectations were blown out of the water. The Gadget provides visibility to all aspects for your CRM data which includes QuickBooks data. Imagine receiving an email and having instant access to the customer's invoices, orders, and sales opportunities.”

    — Mark Crews, Founding Partner, Cloud Consultancy LLC

    How do I get started?


    1. Confirm your business is using Google Apps for Work.

    2. Install the gadget (directions can be found here)

    3. Open an email to view the gadget

    4. From the Gmail Gadget, click ‘Sign into Method’


    For the full step-by-step ‘How-To’, check out our Google Gadget documentation or check out our Tutorial Video.

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