Hello Inder,
Yes, there would be multiple employees on the same job. Yes, I want to calculate on the level of the job.
I am aware of the paid service, I tried it once with several of your authorized partners and it was not a good service, so I decided to try it myself. If I can't figure it out, I will definitely work ...
Hello Rollerroman,
Do you want to use the multiple employees on the same job? Do you want to calculate on the level of Job? If you need training in Customization, we do have paid service, where we can build this for you and teach you how to do it.
Thank you for the update, Paul. We're excited to get started with Method.
Great info....Thank you Paul! Much appreciated!
Blake, dknoben and botanica,
We understand how important the API is to many of our users, and I am encouraged by how you've used the API to further automate workflows. The team has been investigating what went wrong, and why our monitoring did not pick up on the failure. Here is what I have found out from ...
They replied on Twitter apologizing for the inconvenience but it's really disturbing the API can be down for almost half a day w/out being fixed and it appeared to take my forum posts and a tweet for someone to address it. Is the API usage so infrequent that it can be down that long? Am I the only person using it for any sort of mission ...
dknoben - negative, my company is still working on transitioning to QB and Method so I wasn't actually impacted by the outage so I didn't do much follow-up on it.
Have you heard anything from Method about the outage. I am looking for any information about why it went down and why they did not have any updates on twitter or a status page.
The following updates are now live for users of Method.
New Feature
QBO - Support for Preferred Vendor field in Item (PL-18259)
Blake - I was getting the same thing Sunday afternoon for several hours until it cleared up late evening.