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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Re: estimate to contact

    Hello Mike,     When you create an estimate, you can select 'Email notification when saving?'.  This will send out the estimate to any contacts under the customer that does not have 'Opt Out Of Billing?' checked.  To figure out what contacts have the option checked, go to the Customer edit page and choose ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Greg on 04-07-2014
  • Re: sync conflicts

    I had already done a full sync and clear to see if that helped and it didnt. In fact we now have 455 conflicts, its finding lots of duplicates :( . The error message we get now is slightly different as well. The record has been modified on both Method and QuickBooks. Please decide which record you would like to keep. More detailed information: ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Ben B on 04-04-2014
  • Re: Get List from Grid

    Thanks Ben, that totally worked.  I didn't use the Check Rows because on my Grid I needed All rows but other than that I was able to get my list.  I tried this originally but I didn't start the Action Result before the Grid Loop so that was definitely the key. Also I like the Show Message function to see if I'm collecting ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Wavetec on 02-25-2014
  • Flowchart

    The issue iI am having is there does not seem to be clear definitions between what constitues a case and what is just an activity. Or how somtimes items are just entered as activities and not a case/opportunity. Does someone have a flow chart that would show the questions that should be asked to determine how iI need to log an email or ...
  • Merge fields syntax

    I have merge fields into email templates working great even with my custom tables -- mostly great, there is one issue. If we have two fields with similar names, let's say CustomTable.field1 and CustomTable.field10, then merge fields will never replace "field10" -- instead it replaces "field1" and appends the ...
  • Re: Is there any db schema documentation?

    So, that's *slightly* helpful, thank you. Really, a little documentation would go a long way here; or are you determined to be one of the most diffcult APIs to integrate with on the market? Here's where I'm stuck now: inserting new contacts for existing customers. Here's my workflow: IF Contact does not exists in ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by aaronglamb on 12-26-2013
  • Adding new linked Fields in Table

    The following question came in via email I am trying to make our test session as useful as possible and we are uding a custom table in our current CRM to track software registration information. When I am adding a table to the system and I try to create a LINKED field, which is supposed to link the new table to the customer table. But the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 12-18-2013
  • Complex Queries for a Report

    I am being asked for a "Customer" report including: Alternate contacts (email addresses) List  Monthly fee Invoicing/subscription date - A complex query/join to the InvoiceLines table? Pseudocode maybe like: DayofMonth(Max(TxnDate)) where InvoiceLine like "*Monthly*Fee*"  Items Owned - A list of items from a custom ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by kenlyle on 11-24-2013
  • Importing new leads from excel spreadsheet, need to know how to keep leads sperate

    I am importing new leads into Method from an excel spreadsheet.  I'm still a new user so I have only done this once before.  So right now I just have one group of leads in Method.  I have 2 more lists to import.  I need to be clear how when I import new leads, to keep them seperate from my other leads.  Are assigning ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Peri Janis on 11-21-2013
  • eMarketing and Sales automation feature

    I would like to create (or have created) a method CRM application that will evaluate: Customer A has not ordered for X days.  Send him an email with product suggestion, discount code etc.   Customer B ordered  product M,  send him a thank you and recommend that he consider product N, with discount code.   Method will ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by g.williams on 11-05-2013
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