How do I collate a column that has 10 entries for widgets, 4 for whatsits and 7 for bleebs. So that the added result only is displayed
Hi Mike - We will have someone reach out to understand more of your scenario and the issues you are seeing.
[quote user="rgatton"]
I have some invoices with multiple taxes which won't post to Quickbooks. I'm getting this error trying to export the tax line item:
QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accInvoice record. The error was: The "line item rate/ratepercent" field has an invalid value "You cannot ...
My screens are giving error messages, items selected are being switched with other items, it's a big mess.
This should be easy:
Can I have a column in the grid that shows the invoice number for the most recent invoice for the customer in that row? I'd like to have it hyperlinked to open the invoice screen for that invoice.
In other words, the actions would be like:
Loop through the Invoice table where the FullName = the row's ...
Deleting a Contact is straightforward. You simply need the RecordID.
You can query all Contacts as follows(if you have a lot consider a Where clause to narrow the search, also include the Fields that are meaningful to you):
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" ...
I wanted to add a note to this thread about working with Customers and Contacts. Customer to Contacts is a one-to-many relationship. That is, one Customer can have many Contacts, but a Customer must have a least one Contact. That is enforced by the Method UI and API, both create a Contact when a Customer is created. ...
Let's walk through the process of figuring out what to submit to the API.
Step #1 - Identify want we want to create - in this case Opportunity
Step #2 - Query the field list for Opportunity
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/">
My appologies for being slow to response. This is an excellent question.
The short answer is FullName - you need to include the FullName of the Customer you want to link to the Opportunity. In a subsequent post I'm going to attempt to explain how you can figure this out.
Note that this thread uses TenantID. This is only relevant for customers who have a multi-tenant Method:CRM account. If you are unsure if you have a multi-tenant account you likely don't, the majority of customers do not.
If you exclude TentantID from the example above it should work fine for most users.