Hi Peter,
Before we talk API I wanted to make sure you are aware of the export function in Method. In the GUI you can export the data you are looking for in csv format and easilly open it in Excel.
However, since you mentioned API you are probably looking for more of a real-time interface. The Method API is based on the SOAP protocol ...
Hi, I hope you can help as I've spent hoursa trying to work out how to get data into Excel. I was initally excited when I saw there was sample code, but it uses outdated references to XP Web Services add-ins which I could no longer obtain.
So using webservice experience from before I tried to in the most simplest way just post the URL ...
Excellent, you have most of this figured out.
The Contact is set by setting the 'Contacts' value to the RecordID of the appropriate Contact in the same way you are setting the other fields (Name, OpportunityStage, etc).
If you need to know the Contacts ID you can look it up in the Contacts table, like ...
OK, managed to figure it out.
'Name' = Just a string for example 'Oppty1'
'OpportunityStage' = Browse some older already created opportunities to find default values. By default when you create a contact via Web2Lead it is 'Prospecting'
'Customer' = This relates to Customer table Name field (you used it ...
Thanks for response. It makes things clearer now.
The only question I have left is about the Customer value. AssignedTo is related to Customer table via Name fkey. But what exactly is Customer in Opportunity table is it company name from Customers table?
See: .
You can paste the code below - you will need to fill in your own Method CompanyAccount, Login and Password. Also, the Customer, AssignedTo and OpportunityStage in the request are specific to your environment, choose values that make sense.
After you paste the request, select XML (text/xml) for the content type and update the ...
I've been trying to create a Customer (Lead) via API call and it works OK.
Followed the guide from and adjusted it to use plain PHP SOAP calls (no external libraries).
Seems to me that all is working OK, but I cannot create Opportunity. One of the errors is: ...
Is it possible for you to paste the postman code for Opportunity creation (so that it can be imported via its import tool "paste raw text")?
Is it possible for you to paste the postman code for Opportunity creation (so that it can be imported via its import tool "paste raw text")?