I'm interested is it possible to customize Web 2 Lead form by adding new/custom fields to it and how?
All the tutorials I've checked seem to show it with older method versions or they show just basic customization of header/body/footer/thankyou text.
With regards,
Has anyone made any calls from Method using the 'Call Web Service' action that hits an Azure Function webhook? I just need to click a button in Method to kick off a service I have that runs in Azure.
Anyone doing this successfully?
Hi Daniel,
I understand your frustration. We are actively working on additional support for special characters. It isn't in this area but I'm going to try to expand the scope to include this. I should be able to provide a further update in the next couple weeks.
There is no way to limit the response to a specific number of results in the current API. There are two potential workarounds (neither offer a perfect solution):
1. As discussed in the other forum post mentioned, filtering on existing fields can narrow the results, but it would be hard to get a precise number.
2. You could ...
The following updates are now live for users of Method.
New and Improved import wizard for Customers and Leads. (PL-10446)
Error Messages Pop-ups have been revamped to show error messages in a clearer format to users (PL-12212)
Improved UI for Portal Pages (Sales Receipts & ...
is there a way in the maethod api select xml v2 call to set a limit on the number of records that get returned?
It looks like were not the only ones interested in this functionality.
Hi Jon,
Can we get a status update on this? It turns out that this "low impact" bug is literally breaking our web application. We imported data from a legacy site and names with special characters are causing considerable issues.
We're at a loss for what to tell our international customers. They can't use the ...
The solution for this ended up being fairly simple. The image data can be fetched using this basic pattern:
$handle = fopen($imageUrl, 'rb');
$imageData = stream_get_contents($handle);
At this point, $imageData can be passed to Method using the MethodAPIUpdateFile SOAP call. However, we ran into a couple of issue which are probably worth ...
Hi ewelling,
We just implemented this for a client. They plugged a USB card reader into their computer. When they swipe a card it populates a whole bunch of info into a field on the screen including the card number and expiraration. We then grab what we need from that info and populate the card number and expiration month and year ...
I've done it in C#, but not php.
The first thing to do is remove "data:image/jpeg;base64," from the image string.
Then convert it to a byte array. In C# this looks like : byte[ uploadedImage = Convert.FromBase64String(imageString); I would assume PHP has a similar funtion.