QB Premier 2012. The error occurs when attempting to Print Paychecks.
I have a screenshot. How can I get it to you?
One quick note I just remembered. The method sync engine is running as my Method admin account. I'm constantly logged in with this account on Method as I'm designing and customizing screens for my upcoming ...
You can store attachments within Method but you won't be able to edit them within Method. One thing that will be coming into play in the near future is this along with some other changes on how attachments are organized within Method. I can't give you an ETA on this but this is coming in the not to distant future.
Do you guys offer a service were we can store docs? Like Google docs but within eather Method or your co?
John M
What version of QuickBooks are you using? Did this error come up in QB or Method? If the error comes up can you get the exact error message or take a screenshot and send it to me. I personally have not seen this issue before.
[quote user="Blake C"]
Also, I have a question regarding the Method sync engine. When syncing up with ...
This was an issue on our end and there was nothing you could do on your end to resolve it. It wasn't customization related.
Hmmm...I'm still creating and customizing Methd screens at this point. I'm not even piloting this stuff in my business yet. So I'm the only user on Method right now...and we are not putting in time or doing anything with Employees right now.
We have had an issue where QB's shuts down when a Method user is entering time entries and the QB user is in the payroll application (some but maybe not all of the options on the Employees tab). It is a bit of a scare but I don't believe we have lost data. Our process now is that when a Method user is entering ...
My accounting department was trying to cut payroll checks today. An error occurred saying something about only one payroll user is allowed and had to abort (QB parlance) a transaction. Evidently shutting down both QB and the Method engine seemed to clear everything up.
Has anyone had any issues similar to this where QB thinks there's ...
Thank you, Michael.
Was this something that I could have avoided in my customization endevors since I am the main customization guru (term used extremely loose) in our company? Only asking to avoid the situation if possible in the future as more customization will be done.
Thanks again,
Yeah, I got the 'button as subroutine' thing working right after posting last night. Piece of cake. No code/logic duplication here...Thx again.