It would be totally awesome if the Outlook Integration tool came equiped with a data field mapper kind of like what UPS worldship has or FedX manager has.
It would open alot of possibilities I think.(maybe you'e already heading this direction. forgive me if that's the case)
For example, if a QuickBooks/Method user used the cutomer name ...
Hi Della,
The text editor supports HTML, most of the fancy emails sent arecreated using HTML. It should allow you to create graphic emails with lots of pictures and colors.
this came in from a user:
I frequently get signed out of
Method if I remain inactive for a period of time. Is there a way to
prevent this from happening?
go to Customize-->My account-->Change My Account Preferences-->User Password Preferences, and enter a higher value for "Minimum minutes Method is idle ...
Hi pdirect,
I am going to need to do a bit more research on this.
Does the Email Template support importing any type of file with graphics - ie a pdf or publisher file? Trying to figure out if there is a way to actually do email "advertising" blasts (including photos, tesxt, etc, NOT just text) using the CRM function in Method.
I do understand that a single image can be imported, ...
It happens with all users and our SMTP provider is AT&T.
HI pdirect,
Does this happen with specific user logins or all user logins? Who do you currently use as your email provider?
Hi Alec,
I was able to duplicate this issue and am creating a ticket for this.
Hi TogsTeam,
There is currently no means to export the list of conflicts. If you click on the More Info button for that conflict does it give you additonal details?
Today we have a different error when trying to save a Sales Order that should have a total of "0", but Method believes is negative and it won't sync with Quickbooks. Attached is a screenshot as an example. It has to do with the point as which sales tax is counted towards the Sales Order total.
As you can see, if it ...