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  • retrive multiple value from grid

    is there anyway to retrive multiple transaction from 1 grid like multiple invoice number to a single field. I tried by using grid loop , but it only give me the 1 invoice number as result.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by ian on 03-21-2011
  • Re: Contact Portal Login Setting

    Hi Michael, I did another test, it still not working. then i try to assign the current time and using date add then enter value into a textbox for test. i found the format shows like &quot;3/22/2011 10:16:00 AM&quot; is that possible because expire option does not recognized the format.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by ian on 03-21-2011
  • Re: Replacing fields

    Andy, When you create or edit an item it actually brings up a different screen based on the item type you are working with for example if you are editing or creating a service item it brings up the screen ItemService, which means that if you want a new field to show up for all the item types you would need to edit each item types screen. Since ...
  • Re: Contacts Portal Issue

    &nbsp;Hi Matt, When an account is created using the Contacts Portal it is stored in the Contacts table. The fields are called PortalUserName and PortalPassword. If you edit the Contacts screen you can add both those fields to the screen. The Contacts screen is the screen that is displayed when you click on Add/Edit All Contacts from the Customer ...
  • Re: Replacing fields

    Actually, it might not even matter that we don&#39;t have it go back to Quickbooks, since our desktop version is Pro rather than Premier or Enterprise. Can you just walk me through the best way to have the U/M I created for the invoices carry over to the item list, or vice versa? From your earlier reply it looks like we need to edit all ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 03-20-2011
  • Re: Replacing fields

    Michael, No, unfortunately we created it from scratch and just threw it into the InvoiceLine. Didn&#39;t know there was a UnitofMeasureSet table I should&#39;ve been working off of. Can you go into some more detail on how I should do this? Not sure if I fully understand the concept and how to execute. Thanks, Andy
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Andy K on 03-20-2011
  • Contacts Portal Issue

    It appears that when a customer creates a username and password, the inforamtion is stored in method somewhere and allows them to log in and view thier account as normal. However, the data doesn&#39;t appear in the &quot;username&quot; or &quot;password&quot; field on the customer tab when an administrator goes to look to see what it is. Do I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by matlow99 on 03-20-2011
  • Re: Web-To-Lead script error

    Hi Laura, I would check steps 6 and 7 of the Web-To-Lead setup and confirm that the information is accurate. It may also be a good idea to check your Default Email Preferences under Customize &gt; My Account and click Save &amp; Send Test Email. -Michael
  • Web-To-Lead script error

    I have on my website a Method form. The web form properly completes the Method CRM entry but also generates a very, very long email error message. My website designer thinks it is an email script issue. Can anyone solve this thank you! &nbsp; Normal 0 ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by LauraMadeira on 03-18-2011
  • Re: Problem with "Saving Profile" changes

    Hi Matt, Based on what you have mentioned I tried the following. Created a new field called TestField in the Contacts table. Edited the&nbsp;ContactsPortal_EditProfile screen and added a new textbox to the Edit Contact information section. Copied an existing update action and changed it to&nbsp;update TestField and pull the value from the ...
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