I use t tuffbooks laptop on a ram mount with a verisom wifi hot spot.
Haha always the case. Glad to hear its working!
Let me know if it resurfaces and we can revisit this one.
So it miraculously healed itself while I was preparing to send you my info. I guess it didn't want you poking around. :)
Thanks for your help and we'll probably never know why it happened (I was signed into QB as admin, BTW, so it wasn't that)
Samy, Not sure if you received my email response but ill copy my reply here for visibility just in case.
I created a copy of the screen to take a look at the actions and Im noticing you have 2 Generate Report actions. One on the Button, and one OnScreenLoad. Was this intentional? The OnScreenLoad generation is causing the error message to ...
Please check your mail. I need this to be fixed ASAP
Hmm ok. Gotcha.
Samy would you be able to email me directly with your Account name and the Screen you are calling reports from?
My email is <b.hargreaves@method.me>
Thanks Samy.
I made a new app based on the contacts table. also all my created reports are based on the contacts table.
All reports are generating the same issue. Method reports included
Hi Samy,
Thats a strange one. You mentioned its happening for all reports, including Method ones? Is this happening from a screen you have built or a stock app?
Thanks Samy.
Hello I get this error when I try to generate a report that I created. I have even tried to generate reports that are already implemented by method but it didn't work
I tried all safeguard options , but nothing worked
So the Above Conflict occurs when you are signing into QuickBooks as a non-admin user when the sync tried to take place. Are you able to verify you have administrative permissions on the QuickBooks side?
Sync issues are a little difficult to diagnose over a forum post, its probably best we jump on a screenshare and take a look on your end. Would ...