Can you please let me know if this is still an issue for you?
After a long winter in hibernation, Method is finally back on the road again this May, and I’m very excited about it! Method will be appearing at two conferences in the month of May, with our first stop in Houston, Texas on May 12th for the Houston User’s Conference.
The Houston User’s Conference will be held at the Crowne ...
Glad to hear you are developing for iPhone. I finally picked one up yesterday at an Apple store, and the process was very groovy. Walk in get checked in by a rep with an iPad. A sales rep meets me, brings my new iPhone and completes the whole process in 3 minutes, credit card swipe(on the iPhone no less), entering and checking customer info, ...
Love the document management feature added to Method. I'm using it with documents associated with cases I'm working on for clients. However, currently, when clients use the third-party customer portal on my website, they cannot add a document (like a screen shot or other document) when they ask a question. Do I need ...
The Beta looks nice. I gave it a try and it had a file not found sort of error on the upload.
I need know what are the key fields that I need to use with the INSERT API to add Alternate Contacts to existing QB Customers.
Thanks, Palmer
Brian - even with the import / export tool it is still importing one record at a time and validating as it goes.
In terms of performance increases, you are right that a DELETE * FROM TableName would be the most efficient SQL to run against it. Since Method, in general, is made for non-programmers, this is something we are staying away ...
Palmer - using the API there is no need to set the EntityType. If you are inserting into the Customer table, it knows enough to automatically set the EntityType to Customer for you.
Also, if you are importing lots of data, you might be interested in a new built-in Method Import / Export feature we put into beta yesterday. See the ...
I am using the MethodAPIInsertV2 interface to upload/transfer several hundred QuickBooks matched contacts from an ACT database into Method.
EntityType=’Customer’, EntityRecordID=767, FirstName='Joe' AND LastName='Test' to upload into the 'Contacts' Table.
I get an error of: ‘The field EntityType or ...
Hi Paul,
I was taking your advice from this post
I found a way to do it by using Method actions--
Start Loop Through Grid
Delete Record From Table -- Record ID equal to Value From Row RecordID
Start Loop Through Grid
Seems to work...
I like the batch import idea, is ...
By the way - if you are looking to import data into Method, you might want to take a look at the new Import / Export tool we just launched into beta yesterday. It's pretty awesome. See