We have been customizing our printable work orders, but we cannot get the customer phone numbers to insert any which way. How do we link the customer phone numbers from the customer table to the work order being printed?
When we create a new work order in field services, and choose an existing customer name, a pop up window appears with errors in it. If we click the X to close the pop-up window we can continue to create the work order just fine.
How do I disable the pop up on the customer name selection?
We use hound dog for monitoring customer accounts, servers, etc. This system has the ability of sending an email to create or update a case.
Is it possible to create a new case in Method based on a incoming email. ie. Server goes down, and the system auto sends an email, which in turn creates a case based on the customer ...
Hey Al,
I have let Val know that we are looking into this through consulting time.
Michael – The Action Sequence: 5 should be resolved for your Method/Xora account.
Welcome to our community forums. It doesn’t sound like this message came from a Method account set up to use Xora as is the case with Michael above.
Have you done any customization in this area? If this is happening from the Customer ...
Great, thanks for letting me know.
A heads up to Method Field Services users reading this thread, you can follow similar steps for Method Field Services by reading the blog entry here:
Tal - Both issues should now be resolved on your account.
Thanks. I use QXO, and can see the MOB screens listed. will give them a whirl late this afternoon.
Minor update was made to the original Method screen. Your customized screen did not and will not receive any Method updates. However, since you and I are currently working on a customization job I’ve went in and made the same update to yours as well.
I am getting a similar error message when my customers are trying to log into the customer portal:
Error^Action Sequence Order:5^ERROR:THE LOGIN '' WAS NOT DETECTED.
Any idea on when this will be fixed? My customers can't login.