HI tractortoolsdirect,
You could retrieve a list of of tables in your Method account using the MethodAPITableListV2 call, and then loop through each table name to retrieve records using the MethodAPISelect_XMLV2 endpoint. This would provide you with an Xml dump of a tables contents. The data could then be ...
Excellent info, thank you very much.
Will you let me know here when it is fixed or do I have to look at update logs?
Hi Jack,
We should be able to fix both the Issue and the OnScreenFocus event on yourscreen, but I cant say for sure a definite Time Frame. You should be ok to continue working on this screen under the assumption it will be fixed, but if you Needed this one up and running ASAP (within the next couple of days) Then It would likely be ...
Hi Mike,
Glad to hear you are back up and running here. Im still looking into wether or not there is a way to disconnect MailChimp from our end. I suspect that even if we could force disconnect on our end, you might still run into troubles if MailChimp is still pointing your old account to Method when attempting to connect a new one. We ...
The improvements on the drop fields are great, but we've had some client feedback with a few needed improvements.
It allows you to type a value that does not exist in the list.
For example, on a web to lead form we use the field called lead source. In the placeholder we have the question how did you find out about us. Since the ...
I actually managed to track down the old account login details, so I was able to unsubscribe.
But it would be nice to know if it's possible to do from Method's end.
I agree as well. It also gets annoying when using a second screen that is to the left.
In my opinion, I think getting rid of the auot-pop-out functionality altogether would be wise and to instead have the method logo at the top left be what is clicked to expand the nav bar, like it is on mobile devices already.
Again, thank you for your help on this.
I need to continue to make progress on this Method project, so if you could provide me with some direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Should I continue to work on the screen that I have this issue on, assuming the corrupted OnScreenLoad event will be fixed, or should I start over, assuming ...
Hi Ben
thanks for the quick respond.
acturly this data is not in the grid controller. i just want to select it from the table stright.
this serial No are uniq if it has only one serial in one feild i can retrive it but if it has more than one with the space between i cant retive it using normal rettrive from table option.
ex : as ...
There is an old, unused MailChimp account attached to our Method account. I need to break that link and use our new Mail Chimp account instead.
I cannot log into our old Mail Chimp account, so is there a setting in Method for me to do this? Is there a Method table where I can blank out a couple of field values so that the Mail Chimp links reset?