Hi Jack,
Thanks for the update. Ill be sure to forward this information to the team.
It appears that the OnScreenLoad actions have been corrupted in some way, and its possible that this is the cause here. Hopefully we can get this one resolved shortly Jack.
Hi There Kumara,
Judging from the way youve copied the Data here, Im going to assume you have the data presented in a grid, which is great! It helps us make this one process a little more efficiently.
A few questions for you; First, are all the individual Serial Numbers unique? specifically, when you search for a serial number, are ...
Thank you for your reply Ben.
This may be helpful or not, but I'll throw it out there anyways.
I copied that screen from an existing screen called Quote Details. I sucessfully made some changes to the actions on that screen's focus event (mostly deleting actions) and noticed the problem after I tried adding an ...
The following updates are now live for users of Method:Classic.
Taglist displaying [Object object] instead of tags (PL-5045)
The following updates are now live for users of Method.
Detailed QB Desktop sync results show live under Preferences > QuickBooks (PL-5160)
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Updated styles on the File/Image uploader widget (PL-4270)
QBDT - Add Reset QuickBooks File under ...
Hi Bergyver,
Sure Thing. Ive grabbed some screenshots of the Logic behind the actions I mentioned in the above post.
First The Loop through grid;
Next, the Assign Value to Action Result;
For Reference as well, Ive attached the screenshot of the Delete from Table Action, along with the Edit Criteria
Thanks Bergyver.
Im trying to get So No from below table witch has the serial numbers seperated with space if it has more than one.
can anyone tell me how can i use 'Like' or 'content' Operators and retrive the SO NO
Go To So
Serial ...
Can you please show me the logic in the code for Assign Value to Action Reslut and loop through grid. I have tried all differnt configurations and it keeps deleting all the lines not just the one line.
Hi Jack,
I just took a look in your Account here and thats certainly a strange Issue. I tried making new versions of the Screen, and copying it Entirely, but continued to run into the same problem. Im going to open up a ticket with our development team to take a look and see what we can find. If you could provide me with any extra detail you ...
The focus event for one of my screens seems to be terribly bugged. As you can see, the count on the actions appear to show that there are indeed actions,
But the screen is blank,
Worse yet is the face that there is no way to add new actions either. Additionally, that page is now frozen and I can only get out of it by refreshing the ...