Hey Snowy,
Our servers are hosted with Rackspace, you can find more information about them on their website linked below.
Hi Emma,
I’ll need some more information to help you. Does the Synch Engine have any message that would indicate something is wrong? Is the synch still in progress? You should also check to see if any data has been copied over to Method.
Try closing QuickBooks and manually shutting down the Synch Engine. Re-open QuickBooks which should ...
Thank you this did work and the Outlook integration is working on my laptop.
Where can i read about the security of our corporate data that gets communicated to Method?
Security of our data is of utmost importance but it does not seem addressed in the user manual
Thank you
Emma wrote:
Hi there,
We started the installation yesterday and left the computer turned on to let Method Sync, but there seems something wrong, as this Sync takes forever from yesterday overnight to this morning, are you able to help?
When you say overwrite, do you mean typing in a value that’s not in the drop down menu? If so, you need to add the value to the table that the drop down menu is based off of.
You cannot add values to a drop down menu by just typing it in and hitting save.
This question was emailed to me and I wanted to put it up for everyone to see :
When I overwrite the drop down menus it does not save the changes. It shows up blank when you return to it. Is this inherent with drop downs or should it be saving the overwritten numbers?
Hey Joe,
I wanted to let you know that this is something you will see in the future.
Keep an eye on the blogs for information about upcoming updates.
How do you open moethod and go to a specific customer. I want to do basically the same thing as the CRM/Outlook add-in does when you click "View in browser"
Hey Ryan.
From what i understand, "OnPopUpClose" is more of a notification to the parent screen that its child screen is now closed.
Actions used during "OnPopUpClose" only have access to fields from the parent screen, which gave me a limitation i wasn't sure how to work with. OnScreenClose would have been running actions ...