Great Thanks much!!
Any time frame on a release because I have some customization I want to do on the invoice screen when it rolls out and can be copied?
Thanks again! I really appreciate ya'lls (I'm a transplanted Okie :) hard work on this!!
I think i figured it out!!!
Hi Keith,
We are currently looking into this.
Hi Phillip,
We've updated the 2 accounts mentioned above and AnchorTaxPlusLLC, but don't know the fourth account.
For the forth one, you can import the screen from one of the above accounts. The invoice name is Invoice_UpdatedVersion.
all four accounts now have invoice (2) on them and the method user has been enabled
ItekMicrosurgical and TemplatePhilipHolcer don't have Method Users. If you'll let me know when that's added to those accounts, then I'll enable them or you may enable them when you add them...whatever you need there.
This is great! Thank you! Would you mind pushing it to all 4 of my accounts?
template account
our company account
my two client accounts
I'll log into all four, make sure the method user is enabled and make sure we have a copy of the invoice screen. It'll be called Invoice (2)
Thanks again for all your help!!
Will post again when ...
Hi Phillip,
As a quick fix we'll have to log on to that account and change the copied invoice to the latest version. It seems when you made the copy of the invoice it did it locally from your account as opposed to the shared page you were viewing which resides on another account. For this we'll need you to enable the MethodSupport ...
Pamela posted a questions asking:
I'm having dificutly adding lines to the Bill of Materials. I added a tab and copied the Item Screen from the Full Blown Version onto it. It lets me add items but won't allow me to add lines to the BOM. (It is another assembly I'm attempting to add in a fractional quantitiy to the BOM if that ...
Yes that is correct. Thanks.
So the "save" happens initially when the customer is selected? And the purpose of that save is to obtain a record ID? I saw that in pay selected invoices button actions.
That makes perfect sense. I'll train myself and the users to hit delete if the invoice, estimate, etc is unwanted.
Thanks for the clarification!!