I am trying to insert a record into the Customer table. The only field I am trying to use is Lastname.
When I attempt to do this I get an error saying "Not all required fields are present." According to the Customer table, the only required field is RecordID and I assumed that would automatically be added. What am I ...
We received an email from a user yesterday that I thought might be a common question. After checking with them, they were only too happy to have their question and answer posted, so here it is:
Question about the application that would run on our system. Is it able to be run on a terminal server? We have moved away ...
The following questions came in via email:
“I’m interested in learning more.
1) Do you have anything industry-specific for Landscaping?
2) Do you offer tracking of sales/commission information?
3) Do you offer integration with MS Word for contract creation?”
I can ...
Are you an accountant that needs fast and easy access to your client’s QuickBooks company file? If so, this blog entry is right up your alley!
Back in November, the Method team was at the Sleeter Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. I am missing Phoenix right now, especially with our -15C (5F) temperatures …..never mind, there ...
The following message was emailed directly to us. I'm going to post it and reply to it here on the forum so others in the Method Community can benefit from it.
A user submitted the following:
"I’m trying to use method but I could not figure out how my customers can access their account (invoices etc) online."
I believe ...
I’ve never been one to spend time at the library. No offence to anyone who does that for their past-time. The library I’m about to talk about, I can handle. I am thrilled to announce that the much anticipated launch of the Method App Library is finally here. So why is this so exciting? Well you’ll ...
Hi there, Fran!
Yes, the Name field on the Time Tracking screen is the Entity field in the TimeTracking table. That table is pulled directly from the QuickBooks SDK and therefore we can not change it. So currently the Name field on the Time Tracking screen is pulling ALL names in QuickBooks. In the very near future you will ...
Two questions: I wanted to post that on the Time Tracking Screen…on the Employee Center….It seems like ”Name” is not employee name but EntityRef. This makes the dropdown for this list on the screen show all account names, employees,etc. I was able to go to ...
Social networking is an imperative and extremely powerful tool in today’s business. December’s issue of Baseline Magazine ranked “Social Networking” #6 for “Top 10 Trends in IT for 2009”. I wasn’t surprised to see that “Software as a Service (SaaS)” came in at #1. If you ...
Good to hear. It was nothing from your end. The actions used to get the correct RecordID of the invoice were a bit off. Instead of passing the Transaction.TransactionRecordID to the invoice, it was passing the Transaction.RecordID - wrong field. So it was our design mistake with your version.
Glad to hear that ...