Rod submitted a response:
"Issue #1
Thank you the bank number issue makes sense.
Issue #2
What are the possible entries into each of the fields? Should the format field entry be 999,999,999 or ###,###,## or something else. What about the other fields what do they do? In my fields I had typed:
Format: ...
Hi Rod,
Issue #1
Typically when you experience a synch issue there’s a couple of things you can do to try and isolate the problem. First you want to ensure that the Method Integration Engine is running. You’ll also want to keep an eye out for any unresolved conflicts which can be found from the Welcome screen under the Home tab. If any exist ...
I have come across what I think are two bugs it is at least unexpected behavior:
Bug #1
I added the Bank Number field onto the Add/Edit Account section of the Chart of Accounts screen.An account was selected and I typed a number into the Bank Number field.
Hit Save and the data appeared in my QuickBooks. Great.
However, ...
Thanks for adding this!
Just FYI when I do the createField call I get an error that says "Failure. The API could not validate your log in. Please make sure you have entered the correct Company Account, User and Password, and that each are spelt correctly. Also, ensure that this User has been configured for Method API access by ...
We don't have the plan for .ics files in the immediate future, but we aren't far off having Outlook integration between Outlook calendars and Method Calendars, as well as Outlook emails to CRM activities and cases. :)
iCal, if it is still needed, isn't that hard to pull off, though. In fact, you could easily do it using ...
Hey Guys,
Just wondering if it is possible yet (or general timeline) to have the calendars we would create in Method be "Subscribe" or "Read Only" .ICS files for crews in the field to subscribe to them with Google, Outlook or iCal?
Yes Paul you guys rock!!!
Cheers Brent
Hey developers,
I wanted to let everyone know that we made two API calls available today: MethodAPICreateTable and MethodAPICreateField.
These simulate what you can do directly in the Method web app, under Customize > Tables / Fields. So in other words you can create your own tables, as well as add fields to existing tables. ...
It looks like this is a bug with the developers of the report designer component we use. While we work to get a permanent solution, you can follow the steps below for a fix.
1. Click on the Detail Report band.
2. On the right hand side under ‘Property Grid’ look for ‘Data Member’.
3. ...
Hi Laura,
We`re taking a closer look at this and will have an update for you shortly.