Every night we synch Method with a SQL server which we heavily rely on for our daily operations. A few days ago (the morning of the 23rd), our synch started failing while trying to retrieve data from Method. We are getting the error message,
Failed: Error message posted from Method Server "There was an exception running the extensions ...
On the classical version of Method we were able to update the qty of an item on the invoice, estimate, sales order page. Now we have to click through on the item to edit it. Is there anything in the works to get this functionality back.? For companies that sell mutliple items this slows down efficiency
The following updates are now live for users of Method.
QBO Sync - Inventory & NonInventory Types (PL-2986)
QBO Sync - Item Hierarchy Changes (PL-3255)
Avoid Entity duplicate conflicts (PL-3799)
Standardize ‘Save’ prompt when leaving designer (PL-3311)
Improved error messaging on app publishing (PL-3681)
Items App ...
The following updates are now live for users of Method:Classic.
Bugs Fixes
Designer stops responding when editing screens. (PL-4272)
Google and Intuit showing as disconnected even though it is connected. (PL-4295)
I some how logged into the wrong account I hope I don't confuse you.
Is there a way to have all 6 insert at the same time.
"step one"
"step two"
"step three"
Click a button or ues a button to insert all three into the jobs name list at the same time?
Maybe I am missing something. Thanks!
Hi Mortaza,
Its quite often and occur on different Sales Rep. We have around 15 Sales Rep that uses this screen and for the last 2 weeks, it occur twice to 2 different Sales Rep. So I don't have any idea what is wrong. When it occurs, the other Sales Rep will be able to access the screen as usual.
Please advise.
Thank you.
I am trying to create a new app ribbon just like the original invoice app ribbon.
I created a new app, named it InovicePL, and then created a new app ribbon as your online manual said.
It looks alright
Until I clicked my customized app ...
We appreciate the kind words!
There’s a few different ways to achieve this. The route with the least overhead is to add a RadioBox object to the FieldService_AddEditWorkOrder screen. When choosing the Step in the RadioBox it populates the screen accordingly.
For this setup:
- Add a RadioBox
- In the RadioBox add the 6 steps to ...