It turns out we do not use QB for anything other but uploading our new items. Is there a way around that to have items uploaded dirrectly to Method? Would it create problems with assigning taxes to bills?
Thank you.
Thank you for the reply Audisho. How would I determine if the contact is primary?
I would like to know if there is a way for us to insert a web page window object into a custom screen, then have an action inside that screen affect an object outside of the window object, i.e. call a Refresh Grid action, call a web service, or something along those lines?
Is this possible?
Hi Praveen,
In order to add a custom field to the EstimateLine grid, you’ll need to first add it to the EstimateLine table. You can do so by navigating to Customize > Tables / Fields, locating the EstimateLine table and selecting the Edit Fields… link.
Once you’ve added the field to the table, it will be available in the ...
The following updates are now live for users of Method.
Newly added apps to existing packs now automatically installed (PL-3471).
Dropped the "Allowed to Integrate Accounting” requirement for QBD sync. (PL-3348)
Updated alignment properties for Button, Text, Checkbox, and TagList objects to utilize radio buttons ...
How to add and show column in EstimationLine if we want to add any extra column like length , breadth and height ? Please suggest
What i want actually is to make changes in lenght, breadth and height and as per that i will be calculating volume and area. In this we will be keeping the cost column as hardcoded and unable for ...
Hi Mike,
You can accomplish both of these scenarios by adding a DocumentLibrary grid to the preferred portal screen. You can use the session value for Portal - Entity to filter for only documents related to the customer who is logged into the portal.
If you’d like to make a few documents available to everyone, I’d suggest adding a ...
Hi Praveen,
Any field that you do not want to allow editing to take place on the grid you can set as read-only. Just select the Advanced options for the field and check the Make Read Only box.
The field can still be updated by screen actions, but the user will be unable to change the value. I hope this helps.
That's very very helpful! I had to make some new buttons (like save and save & close etc) on my edit customer screen and now I can actually hook them into the that hidden field that controls when the buttons show up!
Hi Audisho,
I want is to keep rate constant, I don’t want to allow user to change rate, he should just enter quantity and should get amount.
For e.g. I set cost as $10 then user should be able to enter only quantity like 5 and should get Total amount as 50
Please suggest