Hey Maureen,
I can try to replicate it on my end, I will need some more information on which screens you are working with.
Also wanted to add if it was just that one field it was updating, Shared Result might be a better route to try.
-- Mortaza
I seem to be having issues on the Point Click action on the chart object. Here are some screen shots
Any updates on this?
it would be nice to have an ETA so I can determine whether we need to look at a workaround.
I tried several functions with that, including lose focus/gain focus. It doesn't seem to help.
How difficult would it be to make a "Favorites" list for the copy action feature? The "Show all accessible controls in account" list can be rather cumbersome (though I appreciate that it exists :) ).
When I copy a customized button action set from one of my screens to another (action to enter something in the "Status" field when clicked), the newly copied button action said to enter it into one of the "bill address" fields instead.
Thanks as always Mortaza! I could not do it exactly that way, because I have my field service tab in my CRM tab group so that I don't need to switch back and forth all the time.
I added two text fields to the ActivityStatus table. "TabsThatUse" and "UsersThatUse". I then added them to the screen as you ...
I use business class AT&T. The speed has increased when they went to Amazon. This is in California
Hey Jason,
Those fields are pulled straight from QuickBooks. You should be able to modify them under 'Company Information' in your QuickBooks file.
After modifying the fields, execute a Sync. Try that and follow up if it's still displaying incorrectly.
-- Mortaza
First and foremost we need to get our estimate and invoice templates right.
For some reason our street address appears in the Company.AddressCity field, and the Company.AddressAddr1 field is empty. I cannot find the field where the city is located. Are these fields pulled from QuickBooks? If they are Method-specific, where can I edit them? This ...