Mortaza and you may have already resolved this, but which Estimateline.estimatequantiy are you using on your report?
Under the ESTIMATE teble list there is an ESTIMATELINE Fied with a "+" next to it. That is where you should be getting your Quantity from.
Not from the ESTIMATELINE field listing . I know its ...
HI Afrodite,
You are asking good questions. With all of the dates you want, I would generate a "pivot grid" report using the report designer and then display that report on your screen.
The pivot grid tool gives you all sorts of date options. Just a thought. Also keep in mind how far back you have ...
Any word on this? Sure would be nice to have this fixed.
Hi Mortanza,
Can you please show me how to also add the following colums for the amount billed :
Year to Date
Month to Date
Last Month
Last Year
Thank you,
Hey Callum
Can you please turn on the MethodSupport User by heading over to Customize > Users and making sure the checkbox next to MethodSupport is checked.
After PM me your Company Account and I can log into your Account and do some poking around to see if I can find a cause for the issue.
- Mortaza
The support account is now active.
Head over to Customize > Users and make sure the checkbox to the right of MethodSupport User is checked.
- Mortaza
Hey Mahlon,
I spoke to Nelson and he informed me you have a lot more Retreive Value from Table actions. Which is a cause for the issue and there is a ticket in for this. I'll keep you posted when I hear back from the developers and update our thread.
- Mortaza
Any further insight regarding the estimate quantity? This is slowing us down quite a lot and we need to get it resolved.
I've emailed you the details of the error report because of the customer names that it contains. Could you please instruct me on how to make sure MethodSupport is turned on? Thanks for your help.