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  • Standard Practice for Labels fo rfields on screens

    What is the standard practice&nbsp;by Method for customizing labels for fields&nbsp;on screens? Add a new text object for a label and hide the caption of the field? or Reformat the&nbsp;field&nbsp;Caption? Seems like I&#39;m finding a mixture of both. Adding a text box is a little more work but seems to save some screen space. Any thoughts?
    Posted to Method General Q & A (Forum) by mahlonf on 07-08-2015
  • Re: Sorting Leads/Customers list by Company

    Hey Conner, Happy it works now :). Why don&#39;t you add a Yes/No field to your SalesOrder&nbsp;(ie. IsShipped?) and&nbsp;use&nbsp;that as your checkbox.&nbsp; The logic would be if the&nbsp;SalesOrder# opened has IsShipped? =&nbsp;TRUE then&nbsp;unhide a label on screen that says &quot;SHIPPED!&quot;&nbsp; - Mortaza
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Morty on 07-08-2015
  • Re: Sorting Leads/Customers list by Company

    Ok perfect that worked. Now the problem I am having is that when the checkbox is marked, it toggles&nbsp;my &quot;SHIPPED!&quot; label on all sales orders, not just the one the box has checked. I would figure the solution would be adding the label to the salesorder table as a field, but it doesn&#39;t look like you can add labels to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by cdrryan on 07-07-2015
  • Re: Sorting Leads/Customers list by Company

    Hey Conner, This is how I have it set:&nbsp; You&#39;re going to make it Equal To&nbsp;then Type In and thats where you simply type in Contact. - Mortaza
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Morty on 07-07-2015
  • Re: Sorting Leads/Customers list by Company

    For your new view is that the only filter property that you use? Here is a picture of what my view looks like&nbsp; , However this did not work. I am not sure which &quot;Contact&quot; to make specialtype equal to, is it a field from the screen, session, or shared? Conner
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by cdrryan on 07-07-2015
  • Re: Sorting Leads/Customers list by Company

    Hey Conner, As I reread your thread, my original reply did not answer your request. You wanted a 1-to-1 main&nbsp;contact to company per&nbsp;line, thus having as you stated one company/grid line. This can be done by&nbsp;adding a new&nbsp;Filter on&nbsp;Step 3 of 9 of the Grid Wizard. I created a new View Name,&nbsp;I then added from the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Morty on 07-07-2015
  • Re: Lists tab

    Hello, From what I understand within the Tab Group: QuickBooks when you try to access the Tab,&nbsp;List it does not pull up. That does sound like a permission issue. Advice the Admin to head over to Customize &gt; Tabs &gt; then click on &#39;Edit Tab Links...&#39; to the right of Lists. On that pop-up they&nbsp;will have access to see which ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Morty on 07-07-2015
  • Lists tab

    Hello, I am using Method Classic CRM and finally realized that the information I am supposed to be able to access is mostly on the Quickbooks side to be accessed by the &quot;Lists&quot; tab I have tried numerous times to access the tab but even after waiting an hour for it to load it never does. &nbsp;I can see everything on the CRM side as well ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by egrace on 07-07-2015
  • Re: Works Great Then Suddenly Doesn't? Honestly

    Hey John, I see from the log the Web-Form was created by&nbsp;Thomas Ro, has his account been changed recently? Lost API access, moved to Inactive? - Mortaza
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by Method_Morty on 07-06-2015
  • Re: Checkbox to unhide a field

    Hi Conner, Go into the Advanced Screen Properties and add an OnScreenLoad&nbsp;Action &#39;show/hide field/object&#39;&nbsp;that hides the label, for the Options choose Always Hide. For the Checkbox add a&nbsp;Click Action&nbsp;&#39;show/hide field/object&#39; for Field/Object choose the label and Options choose Toggle. - Mortaza
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Morty on 07-06-2015
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