I'm trying to add the TxnDate field from the JournalEntry table to the JournalEntryLine table, but under Add a Linked Field, this table is not listed. Am I missing something?
That's it! I did it a few weeks ago and I just forgot how I did it. Thanks for reminding me!
Just a suggestion: how about having the Add New be the default selection when looking at a dropdown's properties so you see the actions for the event, as opposed to Text Change. Or maybe have a grid showing existing events so that the user knows ...
I have this for some fields (dropdowns) and others I do not. This is probably so simple, but how do I get the Add New to show at the top of a field dropdown and automatically pop up the screen to add a new entry?
That was so easy and worked beautifully. Thanks for these forums and quick responses!
Now my next problem: when I select a sales receipt on the left (grid), it shows me the heading detail on the right (Customer, Date, RefNumber). However, I have another section for the line items of that sales receipt (another grid), but it is showing me ALL ...
Is it possible to filter the Existing Sales Receipt grid to only show sales receipts with any line items that have the Item Name containing "xxxx"?
I also tried to create a screen using the SalesReceiptLine table, but the Customer field is not in this table as I'm accustomed to seeing using QODBC.
What is the best way to ...
That's odd (on Intuit's part), but at least I know now not to use that field in QuickBooks and create add'l ones in Method.
Thanks for the reply,
Where's the Cc field from the Address Info tab for the Customer in QuickBooks; it is not in the Customer table in Method.
Your missing one important part. ChildCode is also a dropdown field in the table Children. Strangley enough, I added a field to the SalesReceiptLine that is called Child, which is from where I am selecting ChildCode in the SalesReceiptLine grid in the SR screen; however, when I look at the SalesReceiptLine table, I cannot delete that ...
The field is unique as a text field in its own table, but it's added as a Dropdown field in another table, which is linked to transactions:
I'm having this same problem again. I think this is related to how I am creating this field. I am adding a new dropdown field to an existing table and then in the dropdown wizard I am choosing Create a new Table. Then, I am importing the choices for this table from a text file.
I don't see anywhere the option for a display choice. Can ...