When we go to create a sales order and enter items to the sales order, there are no product codes showing up in the dropdown list and instead we see the word "true". There also is no "select" link and only the word "true" shows up on the sales order instead of the product code.
I just found the problem. Michael had said, “The CRM_Search_CustomerList is based on the Contacts table” as well as “The CustomerType field is a text field(Linked) within the Contacts table as previously mentioned” which led me to believe I needed to select the "Contacts:Customer Type" field from the dropdown list ...
And last, what if this is an error in Method and that's why it's not working. I'm not saying it is, but what IF it is? You'll never know and I'll never have this resolved because you never looked into it. Michael said it "appeared" to work when he tried. But who knows what his setup is and if ...
Also, I've spent yesterday and today trying to add ONE FIELD, just one. Should it really be THAT difficult?!
Danny, did you have to lock the lower part of the thread because you don't want me to reply any more? I'm not asking for step-by-step instructions in the forum, I'm asking for step by step instructions outside the forum . . . i.e. in a knowledge base or manual. I'm also asking for customizations to be made a LOT ...
Amazing! Method will toute itself as being customizable, but then it's so difficult to customize I can't even do something basic like add one field . . . and so I need to pay for more consulting! This reminds me of the days of DOS on PC's. Sure, you can customize your computer if you memorized a bunch of crazy ...
I tried that already, but now there are no results shown at all no matter what view I'm in and no matter what filter selection I make. And the filter says it's a "text" field instead of a "dropdown".
Do you have instructions on how I can make this customer type field actually filter the data?
I THOUGHT I was done after adding the unbound object, but now it won't actually filter based on this field . . . it just displays the list.
I see now what you mean by unbound object, but again, this is not intuitive. It would make more sense to drag the Customer Type field onto the grid.
And there aren't any step by step instructions anywhere (that I know of) for things like this. It's up to us to mess around with it long enough to figure it out.