Method Community



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  • Assigning Tabindex to screen elements

    Is there a way to assign a tabindex to screen elements? I&#39;m finding that certain custom screens have a very wonky index... fields that would intuitively seem to be next, are not. Inefficient. Best, FW
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by furrywombat on 03-27-2015
  • SQL Query

    Hey Guys, I was wondering if it is possible for form a query with a join clause. I&#39;m trying to prepare a function that seeks out transaction line entries that do not refer to any primary transaction. For most transaction lines this is easy... we just query where LinkToPrimaryTable (i.e. SalesOrder, Invoice, etc) IS NULL or = &#39;&#39;. But ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by furrywombat on 03-27-2015
  • Re: GROUP_CONCAT in SQL Override?

    Justin, any idea why? This would be a very useful SQL function to access. Can you give me a list of all available SQL functions in Method, or at least a list of restricted ones?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by furrywombat on 03-24-2015

    Is there any chance of this improvement happening again any time soon? FW
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by furrywombat on 03-24-2015
  • GROUP_CONCAT in SQL Override?

    GROUP_CONCAT:&nbsp;Can&#39;t seem to make this work on SQL override field. Is GROUP_CONCAT a restricted function for the override fields?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by furrywombat on 03-23-2015
  • Re: Speed

    It&#39;s really sad, because I know the system is capable of moving at lightning speeds. I&#39;ve experienced&nbsp;it myself several&nbsp;times during late-night coding binges. But the servers are just too overburdened to allow for it during normal business hours. Such a beautifully-constructed system, but spread soooo ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by furrywombat on 01-22-2015
  • Formatting editable grids

    Is it possible to set alignment for non-editable fields or SQL override fields that are part of an editable grid?
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by furrywombat on 01-06-2015
  • Re: Speed

    Hi Audisho, I can see that it is a little faster in many cases, but not really up to par in terms of what I was expecting. It&#39;s great that speed of customization is increased, which takes a load off of me when developing, but I am more interested in snappy speeds for our troops, those who exist on the front lines and actually need that speed ...
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by furrywombat on 01-02-2015
  • Speed

    Love the new interface. However, nothing appears to be faster than the original, which was (is)&nbsp;our #1 issue with Method originally. Just an observation. Is Beta going to get an adrenaline shot before going live in terms of speed and power? Best, FW
    Posted to Method Beta General Q & A (Forum) by furrywombat on 01-01-2015
  • Re: Create ReceivePayment with full amount unapplied

    Okay, now we have a serious problem. The ReceivePayment records are now NOT syncing to the desktop at all. Will someone please take a look at this? Previously, there was some kind of server misconfiguration preventing customers from being sent to the desktop. I&#39;m guessing this is a similar issue. To be clear, the issue is no longer the need ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by furrywombat on 12-21-2014
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