As I start to create more and more custom pages, it seems like Method has to load/generate these pages every time I log in. With more pages, the log in time becomes really long. Is there any way to have these pages be part of the CRM, such as QBOCRM pages that are available by default? Or have it so that Method does not need to build these ...
I have customized Method by adding Tables/Fields for Customers and Products and have entered data into those new fields. We had it syncronized with QB Online. For various reasons we are starting a 'new' QB Company that will have all the same Customers and Products but they now have different Item/Customer Numbers assigned by QB ...
Hello Everyone,
We had to rollback yesterdays release due to some issues we encountered. I will update the forum once the release get redeployed.
Hello Beta Crew,
In this week’s release we’ve made several fixes.
We’ve addressed several issues including issues with tags, tables and screen design.
Details and bug fixes
Soft Launch and Method:Donor prep. (tickets #PL-396, #PL-403, #PL-482, #PL-556, #PL-544)
Previewing screens with image ...
Hi Wayne,
You can accomplish this using the List Builder. Essentially, the list builder allows you to generate a list of customers, leads or both and perform a mass action on the list. This includes generating an activity for all contacts or selected contacts in the list. Take a look at the documentation that I linked and consider watching the ...
Hi Alex,
I understand your concern and I apologize that this limitation was not documented anywhere within Method or our Help Center for you to see. I know this does little to help you now, but I will make sure that we update our documentation to indicate this limitation.
I do want to correct you and state that we do sync with QB custom fields. ...
After importing a large list of leads I would like to filter down to a smaller list of 40 leads and schedule an outgoing phone call activity on a certain day and assign it to a user, then schedule the next 40 an outgoing phone call on the next day again to a user and so on.
Is there a feature in Method that allows me to schedule ...
Then, at least say something that we developer should not use custom fields from QBs because you can not synchrnize them. But not to waste plenty of time to trace and got a "not-support' answer.
You guys are supposed the one to use that so-called SDK, not me. And, since you emphasize a platform to syncrhnize Method and QBs, we developers ...
Hi industrialrobotix,
By default, Method will send transaction emails to all of the customer’s contacts that have the “Opt-out of Billing?” box unchecked (set to ‘No’ in Method New). All of this is processed by the screen when you select the send email button. Creating a workflow that allows you to select the ...
Hi industrialrobotix,
I’ll have to check with our product team to see if we’re planning on adding estimates to the app ribbon in the opportunities app. I’ll post back and let you know. If we do not have plans to do so, I will be happy to write up a feature request ticket for this.
As for inserting images into text fields, we ...