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  • Adding, Deleting or Modifying dropdown items in the list

    I am the&nbsp;Admin&nbsp;user for 2&nbsp;new Method Accounts (2 different clients). I am trying to change or add items to the following dropdown lists. Please advise if these lists can be modified and if so how to do so since the instructions are not complete: Under Leads Type (which has 4 items only and limited in scope), Lead Status &nbsp;(I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by msfeld on 04-14-2015
  • Re: Linked field in new Activity

    Hi Maureen, Linked fields are not populated until the record is saved. The record needs to be saved for the Activity table to grab the correct values for the linked fields from the Contacts table. What you are seeing on the add and edit activity screens are actions that populate these fields when a change occurs. There are actions for a ...
  • Linked field in new Activity

    I want a contacts &quot;Alt Phone&quot; to show up in the &quot;contacts info&quot; section of the new activity screen. &nbsp;The Alt Phone field was not on the list of fields to add on the New Activity screen, so I went to the fields/tables and added a linked field. &nbsp;Named it ContactsAltPhone and linked it using Contacts and Alt phone for ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Maureen on 04-14-2015
  • Re: Mobile Customer screen does not display transactions

    Hi lzimmerle, The working stock screen is Mobile_Customers. Just make a copy of this screen and perform your customization on this copy. You can change what screens your mobile tab links point to by selecting Edit Tab Links&hellip; under Customize &gt; Tabs &gt; Mobile and selecting the screen from the dropdown to the right of the tab link ...
  • Re: Mobile Customer screen does not display transactions

    Ok, I see the transactions again.&nbsp; However, now I have the original problem I had last year, where sales receipts show as 0.&nbsp;(See customer Bernstein) They walked me through channging the amount field to reflect the amount properly see below. Since my original custom screen no longer works, I can&#39;t copy it.&nbsp; These are the steps ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by lzimmerle on 04-14-2015
  • Re: Mobile Customer screen does not display transactions

    Hi lzimmerle, I am able to reproduce this issue using your custom screen. I placed a tab link to the stock Mobile_Customers screen in your Mobile tab. This can be seen as Customers (Stock). The transactions grid loads fine on this screen. It appears that you broke the gird on your custom screen the last time that you were customizing it. I ...
  • Re: Mobile Customer screen does not display transactions

    Mobile Customer sceen.&nbsp; I&#39;ve tried to replace it with the stock screen several times by copying the screen and choosing replace links.&nbsp; I have an android phone that I use to test the screen becasue that is the device I use to view customers when out of the office.&nbsp; I copy screen.&nbsp; Publish it.&nbsp; Then save and close and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by lzimmerle on 04-14-2015
  • Re: Not Contacted Filter

    Hi Jonathan, I made a correction to #3 above. You&rsquo;re actually better off placing this value into a hidden date picker object on screen. This is a more reliable way to store the date and also makes it easier to troubleshoot, as you can simply un-hide the object to see the date value. -Audisho
  • Re: add row to middle of section

    Hi Maureen, New columns and rows will always appear at the end and bottom of the section respectively. If you want a blank row in the middle of your section, you will need to add a new row and relocate the bottom half of your objects and fields down 1 row. Unfortunately, there is no way to create a new column or row in the middle of a ...
  • add row to middle of section

    When customizing, how do I add a row to the middle of a section? &nbsp;or Move an empty row from the bottom of the section?&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Maureen on 04-14-2015
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