Hi mholden,
You can create a report with a pivot grid using Report Designer. Take a look at solution No 415 in our Help Center for directions on doing this. There are also a couple of videos at the bottom of the article that demonstrate this process.
There is a tonne of stuff that you can automate with Report Designer. If you’re ...
The reason that this data is not saving is that you are adding a dropdown object to the screen instead of a dropdown field. The difference is an object simply displays data and requires actions to actually do anything with that data. A field is stored on the table and simply requires a save action (usually save all ...
Hi Jonathan,
The Entity table contains your customers, leads, vendors, employees and other names. The Customer table is a view of the Entity table containing only your customers and leads. I hope this clears things up.
Your button and actions look correct. Double check that your “New Sales Rep” drop down is grabbing the values ...
We are importing case activities for existing clients into Method, but some of these activities were completed a year or more ago by employees that are no longer with the company. Can a name be imported into the AssignedTo field without a corresponding Method account existing.
Thanks as always for your help,
Hi Maureen,
This should be resolved now. We were experiencing a service disruption, but our development team worked quickly with our hosting partner to get us back online.
You can always find up-to-date status information on our twitter page
Sorry for the inconvenience and please let me know if you have ...
We were aware of a disruption at our hosting partner that was impacting our website and login; the issue is now resolved. We will continue to monitor and advise if anything changes. Please contact Method Support at 1.888.925.6238 ext. 2 if you have any further issues.
For updates, please remember to follow our Twitter ...
The server and your website both have been having trouble today. Could you let me know what is happening. While slow, method has until a week or so ago been very reliable. Not sure what is going on, but it makes me completely ineffective at my job when this happens as I have come to rely heavily on Method for work orders and ...
Hi Audisho,
What is the different if I use Entity table and Customer table? I thought SalesRep's for each account only has 1 recordID.
I already tried creating new screen with Entity table and Contact Table which is linked via Entity but still got no luck. Sales Rep wasn't changing. Would you mind having a check with screen name ...
Hi...I am looking for some instruction (or to be told "can't be done") to generate a report to replace me exporting to excel and creating a pivot table.
i have created the following fields
Marketing Period (1,2,3,etc) - to reflect when i market to a lead..1=january, etc.
right now i export the lead list to excel and ...
This is me replying to my own post to give you more information to please help me. I'm losing my data!!!!!!!