Normally i would test this any find out, but in this case it may be easier to ask.
When using the Build Selection List option in the Start Conditional Statement action, is the list AND or OR? What I mean is, does the criteria have to meet each value in the list in order to meet the condition or does the criteria only have to match one of the ...
Sorry, the sync engine still is not populating the ItemReceiptLine.LinkToPurchaseOrder field. It's still wiping it out as far as I can tell. It's linked in QB but not in Method.
Is it working on your end?
Another interesting fact is the ItemReceiptLineItem.LinkToPurchaseOrder field populates after lines are added from the Add PO popup screen, but after a qb sync the data is wiped out.
Yeah, it's weird. I tried to add a liked field to the PurchaseOrderLine table on the ItemReceiptLineItem table, but it did't give me the option for that table even though there's already a dropdown field for the PurchaseOrderLine.RecordID.
In QuickBooks there is a PO No. field on the Item Receipt lines and the Bill Lines. In that field the PO number is automatically displayed and is grayed out showing what PO each line is connected to.
Where is this field in Method? I see there is a field in Method's Item Receipt Line table called Link To Purchase Order, so I added that field ...
Hello Mystery Man from 2009. Where for art thou?
I see that the bin carries the Lot Number, but the sync engine creates the bin, (not the method item receipt).
How can we easily tell what bins to put the Lot number in after the PO has been received?
Also, some PO lines need multiple lot number assignments when they're received (3 lots# to 1 ...
In this example is HomeOffice a location or a location group?
What is a root location? I can't seem to find an explanation on root locations anywhere.
Coming from a background of ACT and Sugar, I had a hard time wrapping my head around how QB organizes this too. What helped me is adding the Company name field to the Existing Customers and Vendor grids in the old Method version. You don't need to do this in the new design. What's still weird to me is, a Customer is not required to belong ...