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  • Re: Uncheck left check box?

    Thank you!&nbsp; Having the &quot;Clear All Checkboxes&quot; option will be a big help!
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 10-01-2012
  • Re: Uncheck left check box?

    But, but, but&hellip;&nbsp; I did see that Method has a &ldquo;Unselect All&rdquo; button on one of their own screens, is it not available to us? It&rsquo;s on the export screen, where by default you have all of the fields checked off for the table that you are exporting, at the bottom there is a choice to &ldquo;Unselect All&rdquo; Would you ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 09-29-2012
  • Re: Import Error

    Shelly, I was getting the same message this week and no pointer to the supposed ability to edit and re-import the records, but I found that if I clicked on the &quot;Prepare Data&quot; link (in the path shown at the top or bottom of the screen) it would take me to a screen showing my failed records.&nbsp; I didn&#39;t see a way to edit them ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 09-21-2012
  • Re: Importing Checks

    Hi AutumnW- My guess on the bandwidth is that you&#39;re refreshing the entire grid&nbsp;(all 3000+ checks)&nbsp;after every single change.&nbsp; Try moving the Refresh Grid action to be a separate action&nbsp;that only happens after the whole&nbsp;loop is finished.&nbsp;If you want a progress indicator, add a counter variable, or display the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 06-23-2012
  • Re: Screens on an iPad

    When I&nbsp;tried using Method on my&nbsp;version 1) iPad I noticed&nbsp;that if you have tabs that go off the right hand edge of the iPad screen, there is no way to navigate to those tabs.&nbsp; Same issue with other features - I believe there is no left-right scroll in a Safari window on an iPad.&nbsp; If I&#39;m wrong, I&#39;d love to know!
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 05-22-2012
  • Error message "Invalid Column Name" on Time Tracking tab in Prof. Svcs.

    I just added the Professional Services app to my account. When I click on the Budgets/Contracts screen, then click on the Time Tracking tab, I get an error message &quot;Invalid column name &#39;Item&#39; Invalid column name &#39;Item_RecordID&#39; &quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; What to do?? &nbsp;
  • Re: "Receive To Location" field missing on Item Receipt Screen

    &nbsp;Same kind of issue on the Invoice screen - Even though I&#39;ve added the Warehouse module to the Methods account the &quot;Ship from Location&quot; field does not appear on the original invoice screen.&nbsp; But if I copy the Invoice screen, the copy does show the &quot;Ship From Location&quot; field without me having to add it. I would ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 10-08-2010
  • Location & Bin names don't change when Item name is changed

    &nbsp;If I edit the name of a location, the existing bins don&#39;t use the new name, the bin name is still uses the old location name in it. Similarly, if I change the name of an Inventory&nbsp;Item, the bin name doesn&#39;t get updated to reflect the new Item name. Since Method synched to the existing Items as soon as I connected it to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 10-05-2010
  • "Receive To Location" field missing on Item Receipt Screen

    I added the Warehouse app to my client&#39;s Method account.&nbsp; I have the Warehouse Tab and all of its screens and they&#39;re working fine.&nbsp; But when I go to the Vendor Center Tab, and click on the Item Receipt Screen, there is no field for &quot;Receive to Location&quot; I would think this screen would be automatically updated when I ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 10-05-2010
  • Re: Can I create a screen where 'inline' editing is allowed in a grid?

    &nbsp;I am trying to do a similar thing.&nbsp; So far I&#39;ve found that when you customize a screen, If you edit the grid (click &quot;edit&quot; at the top right corner of the grid&#39;s row (not the &quot;edit&quot;&nbsp;for the section) when you&#39;re looking at it on the &quot;Customize&quot; screen)&nbsp;in Step 5 you can set it to allow ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by mlongacre on 06-06-2010
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