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[Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways

Last post 02-10-2012 12:26 PM by smohyee. 6 replies.
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  • 02-08-2012 7:04 PM

    [Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways

    (Note: I've been struggling with hosting my images and getting them to show properly. Life would be easier if you guys would support image hosting on your forums!)


    I've created a tab group called "Lists", with the following screens included:


    If I select a customer from the "Customer List" screen, you'll notice that the screen that pops up is not part of the "List" group, and therefore the "List" tab becomes unhighlighted, and a bunch of new screen names show up under an invisible tab (one from Vanilla Method that I'm not using on my display):


    That's fine, and I assume I can fix that weirdness by editing my "Customer List" and "Edit Customer" screens respectively. But now check out what happens if I click on the "Lists" tab group again: 


    Do you see the new Screen name under the "Lists" tab, called "Edit VWR International"?

    That is actually a screen named "Item Lists", and if you click on the "Edit VWR International" you'll see the Item List screen displayed: 


    Obviously, if I click back on the "Lists" tab group, it should show me all the correct screen names, but something is being held over from when I went to a different 'invisible' tab group to edit the customer.


  • 02-09-2012 2:35 PM In reply to

    Re: [Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways


    Hi smohyee, 

    The reason that this is happening is because the Go To... link in the in the Customer List screen is pointing to the Edit Customer tab link within the Customers tab. The reason that you are getting this error message is because you don`t have the Customer tab in your tab group. 

    My best recommendation is for you to edit the Go To... action in the Customer List screen to point to a tab link inside your Lists tab. 

    I hope that this helps.


  • 02-09-2012 3:28 PM In reply to

    Re: [Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways


    Thanks for your reply. My understanding is that following your recommendation will fix the appearance of the strange tab group when I go to edit the customer, which I plan to do, but that's not quite the bug I'm reporting.

    I'm referring to the fact that Method switched to a different tab, and when I switched back to my "List" tab , the screen names were not displaying properly: specifically, the "Item List" screen name was replaced with "Edit VWR International". 

    It's a small bug, and not particularly important to my setup, but I think it's distinct from what you're referring to, so just a heads up on that.


  • 02-09-2012 3:50 PM In reply to

    Re: [Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways


    Hi smohyee,

    Let me know if this issue is still happening after you link to a new tab link within the Lists tab. It should link properly to the new tab link and won`t displace the Items tab link in the Lists tab. 

    I hope that helped. 



  • 02-09-2012 4:41 PM In reply to

    Re: [Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways


    I edited my "Edit Customer" screen and my "Customer List" screen so they all show up in the same tab. Everything is going smoothly as far as the tab and its list of screen names are concerned. Thanks!


    I have a separate but related question: In trying to edit the various links to other screens in the "Customer List" Screen, there are two buttons which I haven't been able to locate in the screen edit window: The green "Search" button at the top right, and the green "+New Customer" button at the bottom right.

    I'd like to edit these so they point to custom screens, because right now I'm having the same "ghost tab" problem with them. 

  • 02-10-2012 8:37 AM In reply to

    Re: [Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways


    Hi smohyee, 

    The Green Search button in the editor is located at the top right hand side in the editor to the right of the Existing Customer Contacts List label object. 

    The Green New Customer button is located at the Footer Section in the design screen. 

    I hope that this helps. 



  • 02-10-2012 12:26 PM In reply to

    Re: [Bug?] Tab menu changing in strange ways

    Woops, I was looking at the wrong screen! Tongue Tied


    Ronen, I'm working on editing Green Search button on the Customer List screen. It opens a CRM_Search_CustomerList popup screen which I've copied and I'm trying to edit now.

    If I search within this popup screen and select a record, I get the ghost tab issue again. I figure this is because the popup screen has an action somewhere pointing to the defaul Edit Customer screen, but I can't find that action.

    I thought it would be an action of the Select link that is part of the search results grid, or part of the OnLoadScreen action list, but it appears to be something deeper. Any advice on how to get the search result to point to my copy of the Edit Customer screen, and not the default? 



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