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Multiplying Data from several custom fields

Last post 10-13-2011 9:09 PM by Nathan W. 2 replies.
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  • 10-13-2011 2:50 PM

    Multiplying Data from several custom fields


    I'm new to Method and I am currently working on customizing our estimate templates.  

    Background for Question: We use several custom fields on our estimates internally to figure out our Project Labor, Project Management, Equipment and most importantly our Overhead, Sales Commission and PROFIT! so we can add a final line item to our estimate called Labor, Equipment & Supervision that covers all of these costs.

    Question: If I have the following custom fields and desired do I make this happen in Method?

    (Project Production Days) = [ 3 ]

    (Project Crew Size) = [ 4 ]

    (Project Crew Daily Drivetime Hours) = [ 1.5 ]

    (Project Total Production Hours) = ( Project_Production_Days x 8 x  Project_Crew_Size ) + ( Project_Production_Days x Project_Crew_Size x Project_Crew_Drivetime )

    (Project Total Labor Cost) = ( Project_Production_Days  x  8  x  Project_Crew_Size  x  25) + ( Project_Production_Days  x  Project_Crew_Size  x  Project_Crew_Drivetime  x  25 )


    (  ) = custom field

    [  ] = field data entered by estimator


    Let me know if you need more information.  Also please include how these custom fields should be set up initially (integers, currency, etc.)

    Please advise.  Thank you!

  • 10-13-2011 4:55 PM In reply to

    Re: Multiplying Data from several custom fields

    Hi Nathan-

    If you are looking to get this calculation on your custom estimate screen you would need to use Basic Math Calculation actions. You can have these action triggered by a button or on the lose focus event on one of the fields. I would suggested watching the Advanced Actions: Shared Results and Basic Math webinar found HERE.

    If this calculation is only to be printed out and you don't need it on the estimate screen you can create a calculated field in your Estimate Report Template. The Tips and Tricks for Designing Reports video found HERE covers Calculated Fields at about the 15 minute mark.

    As for the field types its really up to you, it depends what kind of values you are expecting to be calculated and what kind of values the user is allowed to enter.


    Michael Melo
    Product Manager
    Method Integration Inc.
  • 10-13-2011 9:09 PM In reply to

    Re: Multiplying Data from several custom fields



    Thank you for the quick reply, I will work on this process.

    Have a great weekend


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