I'm creating a Packing Slip screen, which I intend to be very similar to the Sales Order, Invoice and PO screens in that the two chief tables are "PackingSlip" and "PackingSlipLine", and the grid on the screen will refer to the "PackingSlipLine" via the PackingSlip RecordID.
I've tried to emulate the Sales Order screen to do this. I've created a PackingSlip table without any link to the PackingSlipLine table, but I did create a link in the PackingSlipLine table, by adding the dropdown field "PackingSlipRecordID". However, when I try to create and customize the grid on the Packing Slip screen, the PackingSlipLine table i created isn't listed as a linked table.
The SalesOrder table doesn't seem to have a dropdown that links to the SalesOrderLine table, yet the SalesOrder screen's grid shows the SalesOrderLine as a linked table. What am I missing here?