Sched/Invoice>dashboard>work orders for today> wrong number
While in dashboard method is saying i have two workorders to do today but there are none. It is also saying i have income comming in the bar graph with no workorers as a nov 6 start date. The totals do not add up in the bar graph as well. For example if i 480.00 worth of income on my job report using the total field, the bar graph has increased this amount by 130.00 I have done the following.
1. Checked the stock dashboard screen, still getting the same result
2. Made a grid up of the activities table to look for anything that has a nov 6, 2014 date, could not find anything.
3. Check the stock screen of the work order list, put nov 6, 2014 in the start date and went though all the filter options, still no work order.
Could there be a blank start or end date? messing with the script?
John M