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Error when trying to e-mail selected customers in Listbuilder

Last post 10-15-2010 8:41 AM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 10-14-2010 2:51 PM

    Error when trying to e-mail selected customers in Listbuilder

    I am getting an error when I try to send an e-mail to just selected customers in my Current List grid.  Here are the steps that I have taken.

    1. My Current List tab contains a grid with 5 customers.
    2. I check the checkbox on the left-most side of that grid for all 5 customers in the grid
    3. I navigate to the Process List tab, fill in the From Email and From Name fields, choose an e-mail template, and then click on the "Process Selected" button.
    4. I get the pop-up message which asks if I want to send to all selected names, and I accept.
    5. Then I get the following error message:       "Could not loop through grid. No checkboxes were selected.

    Additional Information

    Action Sequence Order:27"


    When I navigate back to the Current List tab, all 5 customers in the grid still have their checkboxes filled.  What have I done wrong?

  • 10-15-2010 8:41 AM In reply to

    Re: Error when trying to e-mail selected customers in Listbuilder

     Hey Gregory,

    I tested this out and got the same results, thanks for bringing this to our attention. I will update this post when it's been corrected.

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