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Hyperlinked Last Transaction column in Contacts List screen grid

Last post 09-12-2017 11:07 AM by Method_Sammy. 1 replies.
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  • 08-16-2017 2:31 PM

    Hyperlinked Last Transaction column in Contacts List screen grid

    This should be easy:

    Can I have a column in the grid that shows the invoice number for the most recent invoice for the customer in that row? I'd like to have it hyperlinked to open the invoice screen for that invoice.

    In other words, the actions would be like:

    Loop through the Invoice table where the FullName = the row's FullName

    Retrieve the invoice number for the invoice with the most recent transaction date.

    Like I said, should be easy but I don't see any Max/Min functions in the Actions environment.

  • 09-12-2017 11:07 AM In reply to

    Re: Hyperlinked Last Transaction column in Contacts List screen grid


    The process of retrieving the most recent invoice wouldn't be automated. However, you can make customizations that would update the most recent invoices manually by atleast clicking on a button. I might suggest creating a last invoice field on the customer table and create a linked field to the contacts table to that new field. Then you can loop though the invoice table to match the customer record ID and retrieve Max.

    It might be better to store data on the table instead of creating an expression because it can be viewed on any table. The hyperlink can also be customized by creating a click event. 

    If you would like our consulting team to assist you with building this project, we would be happy to connect you with them. You can email us at and let us know you are interested in the consulting services. 


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