I need to be able to create a hyperlink to any contact record in Method.
In most CRMs the URL would include the record's id e.g. http://crm.example.com/contacts/view?RecordID=123
But the URLs in method don't seem to use the RecordID returned by the REST API.
e.g. https://subdomain.method.me/apps/Default.aspx#/277283d8-e024-4a4d-a9e2-630a4dae7a36/c3NlUE9pZnZ4V2xaa0VEUDhRSWhKQS0t
or /ZVlsNXBVcFo3b0NpVjljRnprVlVrUS0t or /UTZzYXl2Nk40cjN2cG5QQW9QTEk0dy0t etc etc
How can I calculate the value to use to link to e.g. record with id = 123?
Alternatively, how can I get the URL for viewing a record from the REST API?