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how do i filter by date and recorid

Last post 06-26-2024 1:18 PM by Method_Inderdeep. 3 replies.
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  • 06-20-2024 4:55 PM

    how do i filter by date and recorid

    Hi ,

    I wanted to filter record id with particular date but its doesn't work , would you help me on this, like how do i filter the record with my given date and recordID? ge '2024-06-20'?RecordID eq 17537

  • 06-24-2024 11:32 AM In reply to

    Re: how do i filter by date and recorid

    Hi athakur,

    Here are a few things I found in your query you are using, You should not be using "?RecordID eq 17537" at the end. You can try something like ge '2024-06-20'.

    To filter even further, you can try using the timestamp as well, appending T00:00Also, here is a link to our API help center where it has covered the filter criteria in detail.

    I hope this helps!


  • 06-24-2024 12:00 PM In reply to

    Re: how do i filter by date and recorid

    I already know this ge '2024-06-20'.  but I want include RecordID into URL seach parameter , lets say i want to filter for date : 2024-06-15 and RecordID 17335   I want result for this recordid 17335 based on this date  2024-06-15  :  

    so please provide me the example url. and sample of exmaple 

  • 06-26-2024 1:18 PM In reply to

    Re: how do i filter by date and recorid

    To add RecordID just add the RecordID with AND parameter something like this: ge '2024-06-20' AND RecordID eq ’17335’

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