I am using Azure ADF services under Rest serverce activities :
i want to get last month till today date record , how do i put into URL endpoint :
@{concat('https://rest.method.me/api/v1/tables/SalesOrder?filter=TxnDate ge ''', formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), '''&orderby=TxnDate desc&$top=1')
lets say I want to get last month record along with till today and i try with this url endpoint but its give me error :
@{concat('https://rest.method.me/api/v1/tables/SalesOrder?filter=TxnDate ge ''', formatDateTime(addMonths(startOfMonth(utcNow()), -1), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), ''' and TxnDate le ''', formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'), '''&orderby=TxnDate desc&$top=1')}
would you please send me the structure regarding that so that i can use it.