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Adding pre-filled rows to an editable grid

Last post 03-07-2025 9:13 AM by Method_Errol. 3 replies.
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  • 03-07-2025 7:23 AM

    • tcoysh
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    Adding pre-filled rows to an editable grid


    Struggling to work this out. Saw this post from 2015, which imples an "Insert new row to grid" action, but that isn't showing for me.

    I have a menu item, and want to insert a few prefilled options into my EstimateLineData grid based on which item was selected.



  • 03-07-2025 8:11 AM In reply to

    Re: Adding pre-filled rows to an editable grid

    Hello, Tim!

    The "Insert new row to grid" action is in our legacy Method:Classic interface. 

    I'm assuming you are in the latest version of Method.

    To add prefilled options to the Estimatelinedata grid, you will need to add directly to the EstimateLine table. 

    And, of course, you will need the Record ID of the current Estimate you are in to make sure you are updating the correct estimate. 

    I hope that helps!


    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Errol Elumir
    Senior Product Education Specialist
  • 03-07-2025 8:43 AM In reply to

    • tcoysh
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    Re: Adding pre-filled rows to an editable grid

    Hi Errol,

    Thanks for the quick reply.. So you think something like this would work?

  • 03-07-2025 9:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Adding pre-filled rows to an editable grid

    Hello, Tim!

    I don't know what the configuration for those actions are, but yes, that should work. :) 

    As long as you have the right RecordID for your estimate, it should be fine. 

    By the way, in the future, when you get more comfortable with customizing, I would find a way to make it more robust and future-proof by creating a screen that will allow the user to choose what items gets added to the estimate lines. 

    Guessing from what you have in the action set, it looks like what you are inserting is hard coded into the actions. 

    Need more help? Ask us about Method consulting services

    Errol Elumir
    Senior Product Education Specialist
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