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Error in custom Activity grid screen

Last post 01-10-2011 5:00 PM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 01-10-2011 11:10 AM

    Error in custom Activity grid screen

    Dear Method Folks:

    We are experiencing an unusual problem with one of our users (userid = Dagmar).  Here is the scoop:

    1. I have created a custom screen to show activities.  The screen consists of a grid (covering the whole width of the screen) with a section below that showing detail for whichever activity in the grid is selected.  I have also created various filters to be selectable for the grid.  This is the first screen which opens for our users when they signin to Method.
    2. The actions and screen rendering of this custom screen works perfectly fine for 3 of our four users.  It is only a problem with user = Dagmar
    3. For user = Dagmar, the activity detail section on this custom screen is not rendered BELOW the grid.  Instead, it is rendered in a cell on the last row of the grid.  Also, when this user tries to view the grid using any other filter, she gets the error message: "There were problems generating a request for the grid. Please reload the page. If that does not solve the issue, re-publish the page. If you continue to see this message, please contact the Method Staff."

    This problem is making it impossible for this one user to do her daily work of tracking customers in Method, so a prompt resolution would be important.


  • 01-10-2011 5:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Error in custom Activity grid screen


    Hi Gregory,

    Judging from you post I would guess this is a permissions issue, i.e. perhaps that user is part of a tab group / role that does not have access. Either way, because this is a customized screen, there is no way for me to gage what the problem could be with out sitting down and having a look in your account. Please contact me to schedule a support meeting. Kindly note that we charge an hourly premium support fee for this service.

    Thank you,

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