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Methods API response time

Last post 02-03-2011 10:26 AM by Anonymous. 1 replies.
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  • 02-03-2011 10:24 AM

    • DaveS
    • Top 50 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-02-2009
    • Boulder, Colorado
    • Posts 87

    Methods API response time

     I have a question about using the MethodsAPI. Can you tell me what type of response time I should see when i query a methods table like the transaction table.

    I understand that the returned XML dataset response time will be based on the amount of data I request (number of records and fields requested and other factors)..

    Example: if in a API query request I ask for 100 records with 4 fields, it returns in say 1 sec. If I ask for 100,000 records it may take 30+ minutes. Do you have any benchmark times for amount of data requested and the time it should take to receive the XML data.

    Is there a limit on how many records I can return? Do you have a recommendation on how large a dataset can be before seeing bad response time.




    Dave Sakamoto CPA, MBA
    Founder and CEO Info On The Web
  • 02-03-2011 10:26 AM In reply to

    Re: Methods API response time



    Can you please post API related questions in the Method API forum?  Posting questions like these in the regular Q&A forum will only confuse users who aren't familar with programming.


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